Athletics outfielder Lawrence Butler has an NBA-inspired idea for how to celebrate wins in Sacramento

Athletics outfielder Lawrence Butler has an NBA-inspired idea for how to celebrate wins in Sacramento
Athletics outfielder Lawrence Butler has an NBA-inspired idea for how to celebrate wins in Sacramento

The Oakland Athletics are going to eventually become the Las Vegas Athletics, if the organization’s plan comes to fruition. Until then, though, there is a temporary stay in Sacramento while waiting on the Las Vegas ballpark to be built. A three-year stint is long enough to get with local tradition, right? 

The Sacramento Kings of the NBA light a purple beam above their arena after every win and A’s outfielder Lawrence Butler was both impressed with and excited by the idea.

Obviously an A’s version would be green and/or yellow and I’m totally in on this. Any sort of quirky feature or tradition in a ballpark piques my interest and, in fact, the fit here is great moving forward. If the A’s established a beam lighting in Sacramento after every victory, that’s something they could take with them to Vegas.

Flashing a large green and/or yellow beam from the top of a ballpark on the Vegas Strip fits perfectly. They could even do something outlandish with it there. It’s the Vegas Strip! Until then, though, with the A’s calling a Triple-A stadium home, there’s no reason not to bring all the fun they can.

The Kings’ beam has launched a rallying cry for fans since its introduction in 2023 and the giant purple button used to execute it after games has been pushed by players and celebrities alike.


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